
Along with calling our alters droplets, we have many different roles too! Specifically combinations of roles, but in this section you can expect to see all of the roles and titles that the Web of Chaos has in store!

Age Related

-Age Slider
-Dewling (little / 0-12)
-Drizzlet (middle / 13-17)
-Droplet (general & 18+)

Persecutors of any kind are to be shown kindness unless we say otherwise.

Front Related

-Frequent Fronter



We also have a Web Committee, it's not entirely a role, but it's still important nonetheless. The Committee decides on rules, debates on how to deal with intersystem and outersystem things, and much more.

*We have a Committee rule that any Host or Co-Host must participate in the meetings and the Committee as a whole, as they experience the outerworld the most.*